Provide a technical team in support of development and implementation of The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program.

Lead: Jos S. Pet

The TNC Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program (TNC IFCP) was established in 2014. It is part of the TNC Indonesia Program, which has its headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia. In Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy works in partnership with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. TNC IFCP is funded by private foundations, most of which are based in the United States. TNC IFCP has a long-term commitment to sustainability of Indonesia's marine capture fisheries.

TNC IFCP works with Indonesian fishing companies, fishing communities, and government agencies on management systems where fishers have secure and controlled access to fisheries resources. The TNC program also helps Indonesian fishing companies and fishing communities to innovate for better traceability, and works with research institutions in Indonesia and beyond to apply state-of-the-art methods for data-poor stock assessment.

There are three components of the TNC Indonesia Fisheries Conservation Program:

  1. the Timor Sea deepslope demersal fishery,

  2. Lesser Sunda islands tuna fishery, and

  3. Rote and Sumbawa nearshore TURF/ reserves.

All of the different components put a strong emphasis on collaboration through data collection and data sharing, and a strong emphasis on private-sector driven initiatives. The programs aim to address the main problem, overfishing, due to too many boats. The focus of the program is on rebuilding of fish stocks through improved management based on size-based stock assessments.


The Coral Triangle Center (CTC)


International Animal Rescue Foundation - UK